Okay, so this is what I decided to make: With a set of fight gear ensemble consisting of a tunic, a cap and a cape I decided to make one set with Spurius' heraldry and one set with our house heraldry...that being "Golden Oak Inn". They would both be made of 100% linen for coolness...though the linen I chose was a little heavier than the regular linen I buy for regular clothes. I would have liked to spend a little less and even find some cotton but nothing in the fabric store was in the weight I wanted and if it was it contained polyester...not great to keep you cool while fighting! So I bought the linen online.
The tunics, I decided, would be plain, since they are covered with armour anyway, so any heraldry would not be seen: Here is the cap and cape using Spurius' heraldry. I did not go into quite the detail I had on his banner because A) This is being used for fighting and will therefore get wrecked anyway and B) Being two weeks before Christmas I am running out of time! Also with the excuse of dwindling time, there is no hand finishing of any of the pieces. The hems are all machine sewn.
I did add some detail on the ass but only with the yellow thread...no black...and no main.
A closeup of the daggars on the cap reveal less detail but enough to get the thought across:
Here is the heradlry I had to work with for the "Golden Oak Inn".
Here is the heradlry I had to work with for the "Golden Oak Inn".
And these are the results of the GOI heraldry on the cap and cape:
On the cap I decided to simply applique one of the leaves and an acorn in gold.
Here is the result on the cape. I actually REALLY like it.
On the cap I decided to simply applique one of the leaves and an acorn in gold.
Here is the result on the cape. I actually REALLY like it.
All in all I think the results are great and I think Spurius is going to have a happy Christmas morning opening all his goodies. He has no idea how much thread has gone into all these pieces. Including the Roman banner I believe I must have gone through a good 8 spools of thread in varying sizes, and I kept running out. The funniest part is, I actually had Spurius run out to the fabric store for me yesterday to pick up one last spool of yellow thread for me. I had to give him the end of the spool so he could show it to the sales person so he could be directed to the correct thread. I guess he wasn't the first man to be given this job!
So, hopefully later on after Christmas I will post some photos of the gifts being used in real life. But for now, I'm tired of sewing! No more until after the holidays thank you very much!