Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I'm Still Here!

I’m still here…!

I am appalled with myself that it has been close to FOUR YEARS since I updated this poor neglected blog.  But I’m back and I have lots to share.  Over the next few weeks and months I will share some of my better projects over the last couple of years and make you believe that I have not disappeared off the side of the earth and eaten by dragons.

Before I do any of this, however, I have earned some SCA bragging rights that I would like to share with you.  Two wonderful things have happened to me over this past year or two that I am very excited to tell you about.

The first wonderful thing that happened was joining the Order of the Iceberg.  This is a baronial level award (Barony of Ruantallan) that recognizes people for their services, arts and martial activities.  In my case, I was given the award for service.  I’ve been pretty busy with running events, supporting demos and just basically mucking around making things over the past few years, so it’s nice to be recognized for this.

Here’s a photo of the scroll and medallion that were given to me in court at the “Tir Mara A&S and Rattan Championship” event from November 29th, 2014.  My favourite part is the mermaid in it.  Very special.


Scroll by Lady Sileas ni Dhomnaill


The second wonderful thing that happened was joining the Order of the Maunche at Pennsic War 44, 2016.  This is a kingdom level award (East Kingdom) in the group of the Orders of High Merit.  The Maunche is given for arts and sciences, either for excellence in one specific area or for surpassing competence in several.

I’m still pretty dumbfounded as to how I managed to deserve an invitation into this order, but I am extremely honoured!  I ended up bawling through the majority of the presentation…it was such a special moment for so many reasons.  I was at my very first Pennsic, the award was given to me by friends (who also just happened to be Royals!), I was surrounded by even more wonderful and supportive friends, and when the scroll was presented it made me cry even more because it was an image of ME drawn in my very favourite outfit as part of the Codex Manesse, which was my very first inspiration for a major Arts and Sciences project.

Lookie at me!!

Me bawling as soon as I found out I was receiving a Maunche.

My beautiful scroll by Mistress Rhonwen glyn Conwy

In the image you can see I am holding a needle, a spoon, and a paint brush, which represent my main areas of study in the arts and sciences.  The spoon is actually quite significant because, although I have never cooked a feast or anything close to it, I have shared a lot of my knowledge on gluten free cooking in order to teach those who would like to include gluten free items in their feasts and more importantly, to raise awareness about those of us with celiac disease and allergy concerns so as to make us feel more welcome at a feast table.  Special mention was made of this effort during the presentation.

And here’s my lovely medallion that I now wear proudly:

The one thing I would like to share about receiving these awards is joy.  It’s not about the accolades that it affords me, because although receiving awards in the SCA raises your position in the order of precedence, I am not an elitist.  I feel that it is more of a recognition that I try and that I share, not only to teach others that they can do these things too, but for simply the joy of pursuing my passions and having someone notice.